Posts Tagged ‘Suzanne Dellal Center’


Gaga. I must keep moving until the end.

June 20, 2012

It’s no doubt that this Spring semester has taken a lot out of me. We finished off our choreographic works, have performed student works and professional repertory, the highlight of which was dancing on the main stage at Suzanne Dellal. This week, I finish my studies with technical exams. But in an effort to squeeze out just a little bit more dance from this experience in Israel, I’m turning to Gaga.


Photo Credit: Gadi Dagon

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We’re Dancing at Suzanne Dellal

May 28, 2012



In true Israeli fashion, I’m not sure what the full program is just yet, and how much of it I’m in, but the details will fall into place before the curtain goes up at least. I kid, I kid. I do know that the Jerusalem Academy Dance Ensemble is performing, along with some of the best student works from the Gertrud Kraus choreography competition. But please, if you’re in the Tel Aviv area, check out what the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance is up to. We’re performing at the Suzanne Dellal Center, Israel’s main stage! June 12 at 21:00.



Yasmeen Godder’s Storm End Come

April 29, 2012

As you may know, I am enrolled in a unique-to-Dance Jerusalem lecture course called Dance in Israel. As you may or may not know, I adore it. Though all lessons are filled with great information, video, photo, and opportunity for discussion, the most effective (and my favorite) progression of these dance history (or current events?) lessons ends with a trip to see a live performance. Just last night Dance Jerusalem hit the Suzanne Dellal Center once more for another amazing demonstration of Israeli dance. This time, we visited Tel Aviv to see Yasmeen Godder’s Storm End Come.


Photo courtesy of Gadi Dagon

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