Posts Tagged ‘narrative’


Batsheva Ensemble Auditions

February 11, 2012

I’ve been sick for four days now, with a constant fever and impossible nights of sleep. Violent chills alternated with what I considered the true meaning of what it is to sweat. I think it’s something like the flu. I’m taking care, don’t you worry. I tried running in the middle of the week, but was only met with fatigue. With high spirits though, I attended auditions today for the Batsheva Ensemble.

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Recipe: “We’ve All Split-Pea Soup”

February 6, 2012


Once upon a time in a kfar far away, there lived a man.
His friends all left to gather firewood or vacation in places near and far.
They all left behind various food items. From these items, this man made a soup.


Please enjoy this tastefully wistful cousin of Stone Soup.



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Oh, to audition!

January 14, 2012

I auditioned for Inbal Pinto & Avshalom Pollak Dance Company today at the Suzanne Dellal Center in Tel Aviv with my roommates.

The weather was blustery, the commute long, and the air around Studio A practically vibrated with concentration and nerves. Though the space provided for the dancers in waiting was tiny, everyone seemed to find room somewhere to dry off and warm up. I used a staircase.

I nerded out at these auditions. In attendance were people I’d seen before in classes, members of companies I had seen in performance, and even one person that had taught me repertory here. When I finally saw Inbal and Avshalom, my eyes lit up. They’re real! They’re people, just like in the powerpoint presentation we saw in Dance in Israel, but living and breathing before me …and passing between them a numbered list of dancers.

I think my greatest awe simply lay in this:  Inbal, Avshalom, and their dancers teaching the repertory combinations are what make up the company, and conjure the rich images that have made me fall in love with their work.



Oh, to audition! To wear just the right thing, and try to keep your sticky number from falling off. I must say that knowing a good amount about the company, their work, and their aesthetic, really helped me contextualize the material given to us. The movement was a pleasure to dance and act. I actually had a lot of fun. Without giving away too many details, I was cut after three rounds, right before the final one.

Before I left, I introduced myself, thanked them, and then brought up her work being set at Rutgers. It’s crazy that I saw Inbal Pinto just today, and that she’ll soon be in New Jersey at my school teaching my friends. (Again, enjoy!)

My roommates and I met for drinks afterward at a great tequila bar in Florentin and then made our way back to Jerusalem. From the time we left this morning to the time we came back, it was about twelve hours! Indeed, I’m tuckered out and plan on going to bed early. I’ll be well rested for tomorrow, and what the new week will bring.