Posts Tagged ‘vegetarian’


Recipe: “We’ve All Split-Pea Soup”

February 6, 2012


Once upon a time in a kfar far away, there lived a man.
His friends all left to gather firewood or vacation in places near and far.
They all left behind various food items. From these items, this man made a soup.


Please enjoy this tastefully wistful cousin of Stone Soup.



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Recipe: Yom Kippur Vegetarian Chili

October 8, 2011

As you may know, I’m trying to build my culinary repertoire. I got together a couple recipes and made a vegetarian chili! It’s “Yom Kippur Vegetarian Chili” solely for the fact that we ate it in the large meal leading into Yom Kippur.

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“How’s the food?”

September 25, 2011

“How’s the food?”

Yes, it’s the most frequently asked question!

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